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Catrice L. Downs



How the Journey Began


Catrice’s weight battle began at the early part of life and continued until her teenage years. Food was and has always been a very intricate part of my upbringing and overall culture. Although growing up in a community where diversity was a part of everyday life, Catrice still managed to adopt the culture of overindulging in food due to lack of knowledge and resources in her home. Celebrations that most Americans participate in became excuses for family and friends to over indulge in unhealthy and fatty foods. With a mixture of family celebrations, birthday parties get together and church functions, the pounds packed on, and the self-esteem and self-confidence and Catrice’s overall self-identity declined. The battle of weight loss began during the early teenage years, the on again off again workouts and the desperate challenge of attempting to lose weight became the norm. After high school and no success of weight loss in sight, Catrice often found herself giving into temptation and the pounds packed on in a major way.


Like most overweight individuals, Catrice attempted different ways to lose weight; some methods that she used would be considered life threatening by health professionals past and present day. As a teenager, Catrice did everything from borderline starvation, utilizing women’s laxatives from the dollar store to even bulimia. From time to time, a workout was thrown in by wearing sweats and a trash bag to sweat the fat off of her body; “this method will surely work because effort was put in to this workout” she often hoped. After tireless methods to lose weight, tons of laxatives that completely damaged her stomach and bowels and a dozen trash bags; It seemed like all hope was diminished as she found herself embracing her new found size and weight. At the age of 17, Catrice graduated from High School and weighed 235 pounds. Soon Catrice found herself drinking, partying, smoking cigarettes and over indulging in extremely fatty foods. Because of the area that she hung out in, the newly legal young lady found herself in a bottomless pit of being well overweight and dangerously depressed.

Shortly after graduating High School and due to her weight and other personal challenges, Catrice found herself on depression medication, seeing a therapist and medicating herself with alcohol and cigarettes. The pounds packed on. Her need for a positive change was apparent in her behavior and was needed to even save her life.

The Moment It All Changed

While working as a supervisor of an Assisted Living Community, one of Catrice’s co-workers suggested that she attend a local gym with her before work one day. Procrastination Fascinated of the idea, Catrice obliged only to hit the scale to discover that her weight went from a manageable 238 to a whopping 310! Depressed at the mere thought of this weight, Catrice began to join and attend the gym a few days a week and change her diet (Which would be the biggest challenge of them all). By tackling this task she would have to change her diet, count calories and adopt a new workout routine; all of this is was completely new for her because of never playing any sports in school. Her initial goal; lose 15 pounds. Catrice stuck with her workouts, eating schedule and regimen and in the first few months of working out she lost 20 pounds. Present day, Catrice has lost over 100 pounds! Catrice has become a regular average Gym Rat with no plans of stopping in sight.


Catrice The Entrepreneur


Catrice is the proud Founder and CEO of the The Fitness Matchmaker, a fitness matchmaking company based in Maryland. The mission of the Fitness Matchmaker is to connect those who have a sincere need and desire to achieve overall fitness to the proper personal trainers, nutritionist, consultants and other fitness enthusiasts that are well versed in their respected fields. The Fitness Matchmaker program empowers clients to achieve their goals by proving fitness professionals that are sensitive to the individual need of each client.

Catrice has also founded the Weekend Workout Mentoring Program, this program assist newcomers of the Fitness & weight loss scene to feel free and comfortable about the weight loss process. The WWMP also is a grassroots program that encourages one to get started in the process, empowers those who are determined to stick with it and uplift those who may have fallen away to get back on track. 

Adolescent Component

Catrice concurs with Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" Campaign that began on February 9, 2010; to assist in fighting childhood obesity. In this Catrice has established a comprehensive etiquette bootcamp for Elementary- High school aged children that may be dealing with obesity.


This initiative supports students and assists them in making positive decisions  make healthier choices while striving towards a positive lifestyle. The etiquette boot camp was developed in 2009; the program is a mixture of etiquette lessons and fitness. Participants are tested on their knowledge of general etiquette such as manners, posture, table manners etc., as well as they are tested physical strengths and knowledge on nutrition and fitness..


Catrice's Future in Fitness

Catrice's ultimate goal is to help the masses at large to achieve their overall fitness goals. Catrice is currently seeking professionals from all walks of fitness to assist others to gain physical confidence in themselves and pave the way of the next generation of Fitness Enthusiasts.


The Fitness Matchmaker currently provide the following services: (Inquire in writing for more details on Services)


Fitness Bootcamps

Detoxing Assistance

Meal Planning Assistance

Personal Training

Pilates & Group Pilates (Class of 5 or more)

Supplement Recommendations

Online Coaching and Accountability

Weekend Workout Buddy Mentoring Program

Zumba Fitness & Parties (10 or more participants for party)


Ways to Contact Catrice Downs:



The Fitness Matchmaker






Catrice's Bio

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